
Take Care of Yourself By Not Doing Things

Self-Care Series Avoiding Unhealthy Activities

Take Care of Yourself By Not Doing Things is the second post in the self-care series. In the last post, Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices, we talked about choosing to do activities that were healthy.  In this post, we will explore how to avoid some things that are unhealthy.

Let’s first define when something is a problem with your health.  Misuse of a substance to the extent that it causes harm is unhealthy.  First, ask if there are harmful consequences.  Second, possessing a compulsive drive that you cannot control.  This usually includes a loss of control over the use of substances.  “I had one drink and I just could not stop.”  Lastly, when your perceptions and denial over the consequences of your addiction are distorted.  

I’ll use caffeine as an example now.  Most of us can consume caffeine in the amount the FDA considers not harmful (400 milligrams a day—that’s about four or five cups).  However, when your doctor tells you you will have a heart attack unless you reduce your intake or you are using energy drinks to stay up for hours without sleep; then continuing to consume high levels would be unhealthy.

Three common unhealthy behaviors are smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and

substance use disorder.

The choice is up to you, of course, to Take Care of Yourself By Not Doing Things.

The Health Belief Model

I want to explain a bit about the Health Belief Model.   This model describes how people get ready to decide to change. This model proposes that we think about health threats in terms of how susceptible and how serious the consequences are.  It also says that we assess health behavior in terms of the benefits and whether we think it will work (be effective) for us. Finally, it says we consider the barriers like how difficult it will be for us to implement the change.  Then we logically decide based on the threat and the behavior.

Health Belief Model by Earnest Action Health Coaching 2022

The choice is up to you.  You can choose to believe you are not helpless or destined to continue.

What is needed?

To be successful a person needs some help.

  • Extra Support To Cope with Withdrawal Symptoms and cravings.   
  • Identification of Behavior Chains.  Do you crave a smoke after every meal?  Does a stressful day at work cause you to be soothed with alcohol?  Health coaches can help you identify and talk through a plan to react differently.  
  • Acknowledge the shame and stigma surrounding unhealthy behavior.  


The CDC says smoking has declined from 20% in 2005 to about 12.9% today.  As a former smoker, I can testify that it was one of the most challenging unhealthy habits to stop.  I believed I needed tobacco to deal with stress. At age 47 I believed too much damage had been done.  I was convinced I was destined to fail. Even after trips to emergency care for bronchitis several times, I still smoked.  

How did I quit?  I stared in the mirror and asked myself for three days straight, “Why do you want to die (faced the threat)?  After three days, I committed to stopping.  I also got some help understanding that the frequency of quitting was important. There was no shame in smoking as long as I quit without delay.  The more often you try in a short period meant better success.  A trainer helped me understand that I needed a strategy to break the mechanical habit of moving my hand to my mouth.  I carried a fake cigarette and used it for two years.  For two months I explained to my friends who smoked that I would not be around.  I met them in smoke-free places for several years afterward.  

If you are ready or considering quitting Visit for more ideas.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption and Substance Use Disorder.

Alcohol Use disorder is a “chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social occupational or health consequences.  About 6% of people.  About 10% of people admit to using illegal drugs. The good news is most people who drink too much alcohol or have substance use disorder can change their behavior. 

Why am I addressing these two at the same time?  The health consequences are similar and treatment is often beyond the scope of a Health Coach.   While health coaches can help support clients with exploring values and building confidence, in most cases a coach will ask the client’s permission to refer to a medical professional when a client expresses concerns about their alcohol or drug use. The health coach may assist clients with modest means to find an appropriate 12-step program.  

Disclaimer.  The information provided in this article may not be appropriate for all people.  If you are not currently exercising or have or suspect you have conditions like cardiovascular, metabolic, or renal disease, then you should consult your physician before considering making any changes suggested.


Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Self-care Series

Making Health Lifestyle Choices daily is the hardest thing we do.  For me the current events of the day; the war in Ukraine, the pandemic, gun violence, and intolerance drive me to seek out activities that make me feel better. My choices are only sometimes good.  I eat ice cream, have two too many adult beverages, and hit the snooze alarm causing me to miss my exercise time.  Fortunately, I learned not to beat myself up about these choices.  Since I track the activities, I can face the choices I made and take small actions to make better ones.  

This is the second installment of my Self-care series.  We will focus on Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices in healthy eating, physical activity, and emotional health.  These three areas are most important because they address two key risk factors for chronic disease; poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.  Poor emotional health can prevent improvement in the other areas because one feels they can not succeed or lacks the motivation to move or eat well.  I see these three areas as interlocking.  Higher physical activity has been proven to improve mood and self-efficacy.  Good food can elevate joy and help us feel wonderful.

Healthy Eating

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans have five key guidelines.  You can find information on how to build a healthy routine here (Spanish).  First is to follow a healthy eating pattern throughout your life.  This includes:

  • Variety of vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Grains, primarily whole grains.
  • Fat-free or low-fat dairy.
  • Foods rich in protein like legumes, nuts, soy products, lean meats, poultry, and eggs.

More information can be found at MyPlate Nutrition .  What I really like about the MyPlate site is that it has advice for people during special stages of their life like pregnancy, teens, and older adults.  Many of us struggle with the affordability of food.  The Shop Simple With My Plate app provides information on budget-friendly foods and lists of local savings by zip code.  Some stores even accept SNAP EBT.

I suggest starting with one meal a day that you know you eat.  Does this meal currently include a vegetable?  Could you add fruit as a dessert?  Could you substitute a bean dish sometimes?  I recently attended a continuing education presented by Monica Reinagel where she presented her Nutrition GPA app and the science behind it. This app has really helped me be more aware of simple changes I could make to improve my eating grade.  

When you are ready for more.

Physical Activity 

An earlier blog post provided information on activity levels .  People with health conditions or impairments have special considerations for activity.  For you a visit to your physician and/or fitness professional is a great idea.  

Think first about where you are now. 

Think first about where you are now.

Are you moderately active for 150 minutes each week (25 minutes each day?).  What is holding you back?  

  • Motivation.  Most importantly Start.  Small improvements will accumulate.  Add 10 minutes to where you are now.  Find an activity you like. Walk, Cycle, and lift some water bottles. I have even climbed my stairs in a pinch.   Once you are moving for a couple of weeks, then think about how to avoid setbacks and add another 10 minutes.  In a few weeks you’ll feel great. 
  • Affordability.  A gym membership may never be needed.  Is walking possible for you?  A decent pair of shoes is what you need.  12 oz water bottles or gallon water jugs make great weights to lift.  Does your city have a community center with a gym?  Does someone you know have fitness equipment gathering dust?  
  • Time.  Family, work commitments, friends, TV! Well TV, stand up and walk in place.  For many people early morning is the best time.  I have a teacher friend who started working out at 5:30 am.  She gives herself the first hour of the day as a gift.  Track what you are doing hour by hour for a week.  Review the results.  Are there 30 minutes for you?  

Physical Activity LevelModerate Intensity Minutes Per WeekSummary of Overall Health BenefitsLifestyle Application
InactiveNo activity beyond baselineNoneBeing inactive is unhealthy
Insufficiently ActiveAbove baseline and less than 150 minutes per weekNoneLower levels of activity are preferable to inactive lifestyle.
Active150 – 300 minutes per weekSubstantialMore benefits at higher level
Highly Activegreater than 300 minutes per weekAdditionalNo identifiable upper limit of activity above which there are no additional benefits.
Table of activity levels.
Emotional Health

Emotional wellness is the expression and management of one’s feelings to cope and thrive in relationships and pursue acceptance of your emotions.  I am not a mental health professional so I cannot give specific advice for your situation.  If you are having thoughts of self-harm, call 998 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline to get help.  One of the tools I suggest clients complete is a PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire.  This tool is designed to be used with a healthcare professional.  If you feel concerned about your mood, there are resources that can help.  I know as a veteran, I have problems hiding my emotions.   Stress can be good and bad.  If you are interested in knowing more visit my blog post.

Happy always?

Notice the definition of emotional wellness does not mean that we are always happy.  All people have a range of emotions.  When you look at the Feelings Wheel, are you able to accept the emotions you are experiencing?  Are you taking the time to reflect on your feelings?  Would mindfulness training help you relax and be less judgemental? Does deep breathing help you feel more centered?  

Feelings Wheel,

Disclaimer.  The information provided in this article may not be appropriate for all people.  If you are not currently exercising or have or suspect you have conditions like cardiovascular, metabolic or renal disease, then you should consult your physician before considering making any changes suggested.