Discover Your Ideal State of Wellness
You are the expert in defining your ideal state of wellness. I want to discover your values and grow your knowledge so that you are empowered and able to feel better. As your health coach I will help you to construct your vision of wellness using evidence based practices. I believe in using the Self-determination Theory to build your autonomy, competence, and social support so that your motivation will be strong. We will craft SMART goals together.
Discovering your ideal state of wellness is hard work.
- It is not too late to start.
- Setbacks are going to happen. They tell us how to get better.
- Changing is like a trip to another land. Having a guide smooths the way and adds color.
- Good food and an active lifestyle are the cornerstones to health.
Visit the Downloads page regularly to see our tools.
I am Working on these for you.
- Installment #3 Self-Care Series, Avoiding unhealthy activities.
- Book Review. Strong and Lean by Mark Lauren and Joshua Clark, ISBN 978-1-250-78719-4
Reach Out to add to my list of things to do!
ear*nest ... resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction. Similar : serious, serious-minded
When you are Ready To Explore…
Physical Readiness Questionnaire
Dietary Guidelines For Americans
MyPlate Nutrition
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